OpsTrakker Mobile App Provides Significant Improvement to Manufacturing Operations


Enhanced Information Solutions (EIS) Inc. today released the results of a study that analyzes the realized business benefits of an equipment logbook mobile solution for a major biotech company. This solution, as one module in OpsTrakker, went live in production in early 2015 to provide equipment use log functionality for over 20 equipment classes and replace dozens of paper forms. In its first year, OpsTrakker has yielded measurable business results by significantly increasing major Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in manufacturing and quality departments, including:

  • Improved the Right First Time (RFT) rate by reducing execution errors, omissions and discrepancy investigation associated with paper-based forms;
  • Achieved a 94% “Review by Exception” rate, significantly reducing post-execution review and freeing up the quality department to focus on product quality vs. paper quality;
  • Improved operation efficiency by reducing execution cycle time and increasing the number of logbook activities executed per month.

“We are excited about the tangible business benefits that OpsTrakker brings to the customer”, said Rajeev Joshi, EIS’s Vice President of Products. “This success story continues to prove that OpsTrakker can provide high value manufacturing functionality in a cost effective manner to pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Plus, the fact that OpsTrakker was rolled-out to production without a major interruption in plant operations shows the value of our phased and adaptive implementation approach.”

OpsTrakker integrates with SAP and runs as an independent app on iPad, Android and Windows mobile and desktop devices. It provides manufacturing operations management and execution functionality, including equipment logbook and management, as well as e-forms, tank management, and multi-level reporting abilities. Being a lightweight and agile solution, OpsTrakker can be implemented in short project cycles to quickly realize business benefits and achieve projected ROI. OpsTrakker has been developed with mobility and cross-platform support as a priority rather than an afterthought. The OpsTrakker app continues to provide innovative solutions for the manufacturing community and has earned industry recognition, being named winner of the ‘Manufacturing Partner Mobility Contest’ at the SAP Mobility Partner Conference in 2014.


EIS (www.eisinc.com) is a system integrator and software development firm focused on computer solutions that optimize life science manufacturing. From manufacturing mobile apps installed on iPad and tablet devices to the implementation of full-featured Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), EIS provides software solutions that meet manufacturing needs. With 20+ years in the life science industry, EIS has a strong track record of repeat customers with dozens of Fortune 100 customers. OpsTrakker (www.opstrakker.com) is a trademark of EIS.

Media Contact: Mike Eiselt, Enhanced Information Solutions (EIS) Inc., USA, 651-351-9227, info@eisinc.com

About the author: EIS Admin